Thursday, February 26, 2009

Something Blue

I am far from fashion conscious (just ask my friends), and most of the time I am content to buy clothes from Walmart or Old Navy. However, there are a few fashion items that I get excited/obsessed over: dresses from Anthropologie, wool coats, red purses, and blue shoes. I can't explain the particular appeal, but these items always seem to catch my attention.

Being jobless is creating all sorts of opportunity for weekly obsessions. My current obsession is the idea of wearing blue shoes under my wedding dress. My dress is bright white and without a lot of adornment, so wearing blue shoes under just seems like fun.(Of course I already have white ones that match, but a girl can dream...) Plus, blue is by far my favorite color, and probably 60% of my wardrobe features blue in some shade or fashion.

So despite the fact that I don't need, nor can I afford new shoes for the wedding, I found myself spending all day searching on-line for none other than: blue shoes. Here are some options for me to drool- I mean, dream about:

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