Sunday, January 25, 2009

Wedding Website

During my free-time, I have created on a website for our wedding. With so many out-of-town guests, I needed way for people to access information without bombarding me with phone-calls. I am really proud of all my efforts.

Check it out:

Monday, January 5, 2009

Off to Scotland

After having a great holiday, which included spending Christmas Day in the ER, I am off to Scotland for a few weeks. It actually was a really lovely Christmas and I am even more excited that by next Christmas the Boy will be my husband!

I am so thankful that we were able to afford this trip to Scotland, because I am not ready to say goodbye yet. Even though we are getting married in June, being apart is still hard. In fact, I find the long distance is getting harder to bear. I plan on taking advantage of these next few weeks together, because we will have to endure five more month apart before the wedding.