Monday, September 15, 2008

Summary of My Life

Since I've been all over from Scotland to Israel, I thought I would highlight the things people keep asking me about:

1. Engaged- My boyfriend of a year and half, asked me to marry him in July! We are hoping to get married within the year, but we are both unemployed and penniless. As soon as one of us finds a job, we will know which country we'll live in, and begin wedding planning.

2. Unemployed- I am currently jobless. I graduated from college in June '07, spent a year abroad, and now I am finally back in CA, searching for employment. I am also seriously considering going back to school to get a Master's, but that will have to wait until after I'm married and settled. Who knows where I will end up.

3. Living back with the folks- for the time being my parents are generous enough to let me live with them. It is good to be home and to spend time with my family, who I didn't see all year.

4. My days- are spent searching for jobs and filling out applications, e-mailing friends, and missing the Boy.

5. Waiting- There are lots of unanswered questions in life at the moment. I promise to fill you in as the answers become clearer.

It certainly is a journey.