Saturday, February 7, 2009

Licorice Tasting

There are many things I love about Placerville (Akin- don't roll your eyes). Sweetie-Pies and the Old Tyme Candy Store are just two.

On Saturday, my sister and I wandered into the Candy Store. She had never been inside, and I was craving something sweet. Secretly, I was hoping beyond hope to find something with chocolate and ginger.

In the back room, we discovered a whole wall of licorice, which I had never noticed before. They must have had at least 30 different flavors. Jackpot!! Much of their licorice is imported from Holland, Finland and England. I told my sister about how the Dutch like their licorice salty and finally we found a place that had salty licorice for her to try. (Be warned- the double-zout is very very salty. The lady sampling with us actually gagged and spit it out.)

I love licorice, not the sweetened licorice whips, but real black anise flavored licorice. (Just ask my grandmother, who is constantly filling her licorice bowl after I leave.)

We sampled so many different flavors that I left with a severe case of licorice-belly. But we walked away with several bags to enjoy at home...

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