Thursday, November 13, 2008


Praise the Lord! Finally, the wait is over! After months of waiting and uncertainty, the Boy has snagged an awesome job at a university in Glasgow. I am so proud of him, and so thankful that he is going to be able to keep doing what he loves. This job is perfect on so many levels:

1. The Pay- it is great! (We won't be scrapping for pennies, and we should be able to come visit the US every once in a while)

2. The Location- it means we can live in a city we are both familiar with, close to his family and friends. We can keep attending his church, and we can probably live without a car for a while.

3. The Job- it is a great position, that happens to be exactly what he wants to be doing. The Boy is thrilled about it, which is what matters most to me, and I can already tell they value him way more than where he is currently. Plus, he already knows some of the other faculty there, so he doesn't feel like the odd-man out.

4. The Timing- ask me more about this, but it is just so clearly an answer to prayer.

5. It means we can finally set a date to be married!!

There is, of course, one sad side to this. It means that we will officially be living in Scotland after we're married (something my family is a little disappointed to hear). I know it will be an adjustment, but the Lord will continue to provide. Plus, I love that I finally know our future location.

I am really excited at the thought of starting our life together. This last part is totally true, despite my response to the announcement. In my defense, I was sleeping when the Boy called, and I think, I thought I was dreaming or something. My brain couldn't comprehend the good news. It was only after the call, when I shared the news with others that the awesomeness of it hit me.