Friday, February 6, 2009

It’s who you know…

Good Friends are hard to find. I just wanted to take a few minutes to rave about a couple I am privileged to call good friends. From their brains to their heart, the Caldwells are just awesome. Here are some reasons I love them:

  1. They get the Boy and his Britishness. (Too many Americans can't understand sarcasm.)
  2. They have a crazy little cat child, who Nolan once tried to get drunk.
  3. They are generous (opening their home to me whenever I pass through SF, and even picking me up from the airport).
  4. A is faithfully available (always willing to listen patiently to my freak out sessions). She is straightforward and open about life. Marriage is hard and I value her insight and wisdom. (Ahh, the benefits of learning from others experiences…)
  5. A is one of few people, with whom I can talk about sex or anything else without awkwardness.
  6. They are just plain good company (hanging out with them is bound to lead to fun and lots of laughter). Plus, I can’t have a conversation with Nolan without learning something new.
  7. I love how proud A is of her husband, and I definitely appreciate her example as a wife and friend.
  8. A actually gets results with Wii Fit (and I am totally impressed with the abs!)

Of course, I could add more, but the bottom line is: I love these two. Thanks for being you, Caldwells!

1 comment:

neighboUr said...

EEEE i JUST discovered this post! THANK YOU I FEEL SO LOVED! <3 <3 <3