Friday, February 13, 2009

Ibuprofen, Snow and the beauty of the Scotchmallow...

Thanks to my monthly gift, I have been living off of Ibuprofen for the last few days. In my current situation, I can't tell you how glad I am that I invested in the mammoth Costco bottle of the stuff. After being in such severe pain the last few months, I am looking forward to my Gyno appointment. Hopefully I will be able to find a way to not be confined to bed for one week out of the month... here's hoping.

Despite my general sour mood, brought on by pain, the fight I had with the Boy yesterday, and hours of boredom, there are two things cheering me up. First, the recent snowfall. Second, the box of See's Scotchmallows that my grandmother sent me for Valentine's day.

Snow is always a beautiful sight. I love how it covers everything and changes a landscape. Even though the light peppering of snow we had this morning is melting, I am still enjoying its remnants and I am thanking God for it because we needed the water!

Scotchmallows are seriously delicious and I love the chewy texture. They consist of caramel and marshmallow covered in dark chocolately goodness. If you have never tried one, I recommend them. My grandmother sent me a big box and it was everything I could do not to eat it all last night (I managed to limit myself to 6...). They are just so tasty and it makes me feel very loved that she remembered that these were my favorites. I have such a sweet grandma!

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